A good friend of mine who is a great fellow and an excellent therapist has this adage he likes to share: “When in doubt, do something” – meaning that if you are stuck, doubtful about yourself and feeling blue or down, take some action. Move. Do something. It doesn’t have to be a “big” something. It shouldn’t be a “big” something. Any move is a gift. So I had an interesting experience recently that put the proof to that statement and some may find this a helpful story.
I had been feeling down for a while and was having a hard time kicking it. My website came to the rescue….well it helped me come to my own rescue.
I really like my website. I worked hard on it and get nice complements. A great designer named Stephan Laenan who lives near Portland put it together for me. I gave him content, he designed it…but once in a while there were tweaks I wanted to make and I didn’t know the first thing about how websites are put together. It was aggravating, since I was totally dependent on someone else who rightfully charged me for his time. Last year I bought an Idiot’s book on HTML and CSS (how you create the code to make a website) and after reading it for a few weeks, I was so cross-eyed that I had to put it down – defeated. Then a month ago, a lawyer friend of mine was telling me how he created his own site and I thought, “Well, if he can do it……..” so I checked a bunch of books out of the library and suddenly had this “Ah-ha” moment and figured out how to make all the changes I wanted. I dove in and over the next week updated everything I wanted updated.
I absolutely felt a spring in my step. A big weight was lifted from my shoulders and I found that things that had been aggravating me only the week before weren’t so important. My mood absolutely shifted because….well, I did something. (And really, it’s not a big deal to learn about website coding, even for a tech dweeb like me.)